About Us

About Us
PACE IIT & Medical: Igniting Dreams in Patna
Welcome to PACE Institute, where we are all about turning your dreams into reality. We’re here to help you succeed in your studies and achieve your goals.
Who We Are ?
We’re an education institute that has been around for over two decades, helping students like you excel in their studies. Our aim is to guide you towards the best colleges and universities in India and even around the world.
Why Choose Us ?
At PACE, we believe in helping you not just with your studies but also with your life skills. We have a special way of teaching and supporting you. Our teachers are not just educators; they’re mentors who want to help you succeed. They’ve been there and done that, and they know how to guide you on the right path.

31 selections in IIT-JEE, 3 ranks in the Top 100 AIRS Mihir Chaudhary (AIR-67). Vibhor Rastogi (AIR-69) and Parag Agarwal (AIR-76) in IIT JEE Parag Agarwal won Gold Medal in International Physics Olympiad in Turkey

Total 42 students from PACE appeared for IIT-JEE. Out of these, 32 students qualified screening and 20 students cleared JEE Main

27 selections in IIT-JEE, 5 ranks in the Top 50 AIRS Yashodhan Kanoria secured 'AIR-1 in IIT-JEE (screening test), AIR-1 in AIEEE, won a Gold medal in both International Physics & Chemistry Olymplad Aditya Parmeshwaran secured AIR-2 in AIEEE Shaleen Harlaka won Gold Medal in International Physics Olympiad under Tyan Sir's guidance

32 selections in IT-JEE. Rohitashwa Bhotica secured AIR 19 in IIT-JEE

37 selections in IIT-JEE. Ruchi Agarwal AR-24 (All India Girl Topper)

62 selections in IIT-JEE, 7 Ranks in Top 105 AIRS Mehul Tikekar won Gold Medal in International Physics Olympiad under Tyagi Sir's guidance. Neha Rambhia, became the first girl to represent India in International Physics Olympiad and won a Bronze medal.

93 selections in IIT-JEE Harsh Pareek (AIR-8) Maharashtra Rank 1, he also won Silver Medal in International Physics Olympiad.

Knowledge partner with reputed Schools and Colleges 117 selections in IIT-JEE, 4 Ranks in Top 100 AIRS Kunal Shah (AIR-23). M Srujan (AIR-36). Nisarg Ajmera (AIR-83), Shashwat Gandhi (AIR-89) in IIT-JEE. Kunal Shah also won Gold Medal in International Physics Olympiad

184 selections in IIT-JEE, 13 ranks in Top 100, including Maharashtra Rank 1, 2, 3, 4 Pararth Shah (AIR-4), Priyank Parikh (AIR-6), also won Gold Medal in International Physics Olympiad, Abhishek Padmanabhan (AIR-14), also bagged Silver Medal in nternational Chemistry Olympiad, Rahul Makhijani (AIR- 49)

205 selections in IIT-JEE including Mumbai Ranks 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 All India Girl Topper- Aakanksha Sarda (AIR-18) in IIT-JEE, she was the 1st girl from India to win gold medal in International Physics Olympiad 1" Rank in Mumbai - Nikunj Saunshi (AIR-12) in IIT-JEE, he also won Silver Medal in International Chemistry Olympiad

206 selections in IIT-JEE, 12 Ranks in Top 100 AIRS 1 Rank in Maharashtra - Kandarp Khandwala (AIR-13). 2nd Rank in Maharashtra - Aamod Kore (AIR-32) Smarak Maity (AIR = 50) in IIT-JEE won Silver Medal in international Chemistry Olympiad and Bronze Medal in Asian Physics Olympiad.

484 selections in IIT-JEE, 11 Ranks In Top 100 AIRS Maharashtra Rank 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12 in IIT-JEE 18 out of Top 20 selections in IIT-JEE from Maharashtra were from PACE Manav Avlani won Gold Medal In International Chemistry Olymplad and Alankar Kotwal won Gold Medal in International Olympiad for Astronomy and Astrophysics and Best Data Analyst Award held @ Rio-de- Janeiro, Brazil 39 International Universities MIT/Cambridge/Stanford/ Cornell and other Ivy League Universities issued offer letters to PACE Students

461 selections in IIT-JEE, 14 Ranks in Top 155 AIRS Charmi Dedhia Maharashtra Girl Topper in JEE Advanced, Pradyot Prakash Mumbai Topper with highest marks in Physics in JEE Advanced 6 AIRs in Top 50 in JEE Main maximum selections with the highest success ratio Abhijit Dimitrov AIR 1 in BITSAT, More than 64 offer letters were received by PACE students from laternational and IVY League &repawned Foreign Universities including Stanford, MIT UCLA, UCB, Cornell etc

16 Ranks in Top 100 AIRs in JEE Advanced, Kapil Valdya AIR-13 and Maharashtra Rank 1 in JEE Advanced, Shalaka Kulkarni Maharashtra Girl Topper in JEE Advanced Parth Kothari Maharashtra Rank 1 in JEE Main Jenil Shah AIR-1 in BITSAT

819 selections in IIT-JEE (Advanced), 18 ranks in top 100 AIRS including Mumbai ranks at this event 1,2,3,4,5,6 Purav Gandhi AR-29, 1ST Rank in Mumbai in JEE Advanced Kavya Prudhvi AIR-359 Maharashtra Girl Topper in JEE Advanced Tanuj Kaza TAIR-211 Rank in Mumbala JEE Main, Purav Gandhi 1ST Rank in MIT-CET More than 120 offer letters received by PACE students from XY League & renowned Foreign Universities

16 Ranks in top 100 AIRS in JEE Advanced with Maharashtra Topper & 6/10 Top ranks in Mumbai Precy Shah 1" Rankin Maharashtrain JEE Advanced Dimple Kochar Maharashra Girl Topper in both JEE Advanced & JEE Main 6 Sriram 1 Rankin Maharashtra in JEE Main More than 150 offer letters received by PACE students from VY League & renowned Foreign Universities

15 ranks in top 100 AIRs in JEE Advanced. Riya Baviskar AIR-115 Maharashtra Girl Topper in JEE Advanced Vrunda Rathi AIR-71 Al India Girl Topper in JEE mains Titas Chakraborty AIR- 1 in BITSAT

15 ranks in top 100 AIRS in JEE Advanced Rishi Agarwal (AIR-8) 1" Rank in Maharashtra in JEE Advanced Avyakta Wrat Maharashtra Girl Topper in JEE Advanced & JEE Main Mumbai Ranks-1,2,3,4 & 5 in JEE Main Mihir Vahanwala AIR-1 in BITSAT 3 Ranks in Top 100 AIRs in NEET, Gunjan Gattani 2" Rank in Maharashtra in NEET, 3 Ranks in Top 100 AIRS in JIPMER More than 181 offer letters received by PACE students from IVY League & renowned Foreign Universities

06 Ranks in top 100 Ranks in JEE Advanced, Highest Selection in top 500 Ranks in Mumbai Kaushal Banthia (AIR-6'), Jash Shah (AIR-34), Kanad Pardeshi (AIR-54), Raj Agrawal (AIR-55), Harsh Bokar (AIR-71), Vineet Gala (AIR-88)7 Ranks in top 100 AIRs in JEE Main, Maximum number of students in JEE Main with 99.9%ile in Mumbai Raj Agrawal 100%ile in JEE Main 36 students scored 600+ in NEET. 116 students scored 500+ in NEET, Disha Agrawal AIR-52 Maharashtra Girl Topper in NEET 8 Ranks in top 100 AIRs in AIIMS 2 Ranks in top 20 AIRs in JIPMER, Prajanapan Basu AIR 4, Rajat Rathod AIR 16' in JIPMER

6 Ranks in top 100 AIRs in JEE Advanced, Maximum Selections in IITs from Mumbai Onkar Borade (AIR-4), Chinmay Mittal (AIR-31), Sarthak Mittal (AIR-34), Dhruv Rambhia (AIR-43). Sai Kale (AIR-58). Arpon Basu (AIR-59) Kaustubh Chourasia & Dhruv Rambhia Scroed 99.99%ile in JEE Main 50 students scored 600+ and above marks in NEET

8 Ranks in Top 100 AIRS, 25 Ranks in Top 500 AIRS & 44 Ranks in Top 1000 AIRS in JEE Advanced Aaryan Dangi (AIR-24), Shishir Gujarey (AIR-41), Shlesh Gholap (AIR-59), Vihang Pagare (AIR-60), Veeransh Mehta (AIR-69'), Garv Nagori (AIR-71), Kevin Baua (AIR-78), Soham Bharambe (AIR-92). 6 Ranks in Top 100, 27 Ranks in Top 500 & 36 Ranks in Top 1000 in JEE Main Snehadeep Gayen 2nd Rank in Maharashtra with AIR-5 in JEE Main Gargi Bakshi Maharashtra Girl Topper with AIR-19 in JEE Main Rasika Mal AIR-55 & Prachi Dhote AIR-82, 60 students scored 600+ marks in NEET 5/20 Students who scored 100%ile are from PACE in MHT-CET

AIR-49, Ekansh Ravishankar, 4 Ranks in Top 100 AIR, 26 Ranks in Top 500 AIR in JEE Advanced 2022 AIR-24, Anushka Kulkarni in NEET 2022 5/7 students who scored 100%ile in Mumbai are from PACE in MHT-CET 2022 Maharashtra Board Topper, Tanzeel Velaskar 96.83% in HSC 2022 Acceptances to top IVY leagues like UC Berkeley-Vishnu Suresh, G-Tech-Abhishek Pillai & many more

4 Ranks in top 100 AIRs in JEE Advanced 2023, Maximum Selections in IITs from Mumbai 33% selections in IIT-JEE. NEET 2023 695/720 Marks - Kunwar. Singh, 685/720 Marks - Ashutosh Nagargoje. 35 students scored 600+ and above marks in NEET. Maharashtra Board Topper, Mihika Hemrajani 97.33% in HSC 2023.
Our Great Vision & Mission

Our Great Vision & Mission
Our Mission
Redefining quality learning through innovation and farsightedness has been a hallmark of PACE DNA. Our mission is to create an environment of academic excellence, utilizing modern technologies and pedagogical approaches to provide quality education.
Our Vision
Our vision is to empower students from the seventh standard and beyond for top national and global exams, aiding them in achieving their dreams of entering premier Engineering and Medical colleges through technology-driven learning and testing solutions.